Data Center Management

Our Products

Data Center Management

Data Center Management refers to the role of individuals (data center managers) tasked within a data center to oversee technical and IT issues. This includes management of computer and server operations, large amounts of data, services and applications, and the protection and security of the data.

Data Center Management
Rack Temperature Monitoring
Smart Power Utilization
UPS Battery Voltage Monitoring
AI-Based Analytics
Earthing Voltage Monitoring
Diesel Monitoring
Smart Rack Monitoring
Ticketing System Integration
Asset Management

Rack Temperature Monitoring

Real-time Temperature Sensing:
Monitor rack temperature in real-time, ensuring optimal conditions for equipment.

Alerts and Notifications:
Receive instant alerts if temperature exceeds predefined thresholds, preventing overheating and potential equipment damage.

Smart Power Utilization

Smart Meter Integration:

Accurate tracking of power usage using smart meters, ensuring efficient energy utilization.

Usage Analytics:

Detailed analytics on power consumption patterns, enabling data-driven decisions for energy optimization.

UPS Battery Voltage Monitoring

Battery Health Assessment:

Monitor UPS battery voltage to assess health, enabling proactive replacement and preventing downtime.

Predictive Analytics:

Utilize AI-based algorithms to predict battery failures, ensuring uninterrupted power supply.

AI-Based Analytics

Data Insights:

Harness the power of artificial intelligence for deep data analysis, extracting actionable insights for performance enhancement.

Predictive Maintenance:

Predict equipment failures before they occur, enabling scheduled maintenance and minimizing downtime.

Earthing Voltage Monitoring

Earthing Safety:

Continuously monitor earthing voltage to ensure a safe working environment for personnel and equipment.

Automated Alarming:

Instant alerts for earthing issues, enabling swift corrective action and ensuring compliance with safety standards.

Diesel Monitoring

Fuel Management:

Monitor diesel levels for backup generators, ensuring an uninterrupted power supply during outages.

Usage Tracking:

Detailed tracking of diesel consumption, facilitating efficient refilling schedules and cost optimization.

Smart Rack Monitoring

Comprehensive Sensors:

Integrated sensors including smoke detectors, water leakage sensors, and UPS bypass detection for 360-degree rack monitoring.

Automated Response:

Immediate notifications and automated actions in response to critical events, safeguarding valuable equipment and data.

Ticketing System Integration

Automated Ticket Generation:

IoT sensors trigger ticket creation for detected issues, streamlining the incident reporting process.

Real-time Updates:

Automatic updates to tickets based on sensor data changes, providing technicians with current information for faster issue resolution.

Ticketing System Integration1

Asset Management

Asset Tracking:

RFID or IoT tags for asset tracking, enabling real-time location monitoring and preventing loss or theft.

Maintenance History:

Detailed records of each asset’s maintenance history, ensuring timely servicing and prolonging equipment lifespan.

Key Advantages:

  • Seamless Integration: Effortless integration of IoT monitoring with ticketing and asset management systems, creating a unified solution.
  • Efficient Issue Resolution: Immediate ticket generation and real-time updates enable quick response and issue resolution, minimizing downtime.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilize analytics and historical data for informed decisions, optimizing resources and enhancing efficiency.
  • Compliance and Safety: Ensure compliance with industry standards and maintain a safe working environment while safeguarding valuable assets.
  • Scalability: Easily scalable IoT solution adaptable to varying data center sizes and requirements, ensuring future-proof solutions.